Works To Passionately Glorify Nature, Our Most Valuable and Challenged Resource.

MOVING. STILL. Abstracting places. I find quiet peace in the beauty, power, impulse and majesty of nature, and in my work I hope to pass on that connection. I am only walking this way a short while and my wish is to share the texture, the emotion, the visceral experience that I was given during my time on the planet. I feel, even ache for, the passing of time, a zeitgeist that is somehow present, captured in nature. Nature is my church, my spiritual center and in my work, using light and movement I hope to invite a moment of reverence. I often accompany my paintings with short verse poetry.
I categorize my work as modern impressionism, and abstract expressionism: rich in color, movement and energy. My great loves and influences are Tom Thomson and The Canadian Group of Seven and Vincent Van Gogh . After 25+ years as a creative director for advertising agencies in Orlando, Scottsdale, Boston and Buffalo, I restarted painting again in 2014. In 2009, I worked with Academy Award winner Gerda Weissmann Klein, illustrating her book, “One Raspberry.” I was accepted as an exhibiting member of the Buffalo Society of Artists in 2015 and won their Gold medal in 2017 and again in 2021. I served on the BSA Board from 2017 - 2019. My works have been in several galleries, juried and solo exhibitions and are in private corporate and personal collections in the US and Japan.
In 2023 my work was accepted as part of the Burchfield Penney Art Center Permanent Collection

Judy Hodge
Judy Hodge
Judy Hodge
Several of my landscapes also have
prints available link below
Please email me directly to purchase. Please include your email and phone.
contact: jhodge@urbanmindshare.com